Thursday, October 10, 2013

Acknowledging Crossroads.

I have had a difficult time deciding on wether to stay in Berlin or not. The city inspires me, but I do not want a beaureacratic prosess such as applying for a visa put me off center, or in some way legally bind me (or feel that in some ethics-of-value way, like I owe something during my permitted stay.) I have found great peace in my studio, but I do not believe that the power comes from my location exclusively. Good things come from good actions, regardless of location. I believe that art is a modality, a perpetually executed philosophy. I have come to understand at the end of the day, I am not worried about the visa. My home is where I am, and if I so choose to stay or go, I will find a way. 

I am in full swing in the studio. 

Tonight, I will take an adventure to see my friends from the Broken Fingaz Collective, who are hosting an opening.