Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Leaving Bath

We left off in Bath. I canceled into a hostel with a crew who like to get high and philosophize. I didn’t smoke weed with them, but got into drinking three bottles of beer each evening. My business in Bath was to see the Roman site, the feature that earned the town it’s UNESCO heritage status, (which was almost revoked in 2006 because of the town developers turning the entire center city into some gaudy shopping mall), and to get out of the rain and gather my thoughts. 

I spent three days there. Visiting the Baths I got a sense of the British lineage, as I watched modern toddler tending fingers irreverently rub the noses of Roman statuary. 

I took two walks daily. The canal around Bath was more romantic than the River Avon, but the city was moored down by that mall in the middle; it just wasn’t charming. 

I bought a Russkie flap hat and some gloves before leaving for Wales.