Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Romantic Day

 I'd had a difficult nights sleep as I was disrupted by hunger pangs from fasting. I woke with the sunrise, and brought the garbage out to the street. The weather was pleasant, so I took a walk and picked up some good garbage to draw on. I planned on drawing a street scene from my vantage point at "De Hoek" Cafe, which I'd attempted two days prior, but upon arriving, saw that the cafe was closed until 8. I used the time begore its opening to draw instead the Westerkerk Cathedral which could be clearly seem from a nearby bridge. The drawing was difficult, but I was not wholly dissatisfied with the result. When I finised the drawing, it was nearly 9. I decided instead of breaking fast at De Hoek, that I would extend the fast until I saw my beautiful friend Giulia. With this new goal, I walked across town to Henxs store, where I knew she would be working. The store didn't open for another hour, so I used some time to explore the neighborhood. I came across a market, where I bought two juice drinks and a modest boquet of flowers. I stood at the corner of the intersection where I speculated Giulia would ride by, hoping to suprise her before work with gifts, but the time when I expected her came and went. I walked back to the store. I knew it would be open at that point, perhaps she had taken another route to work that morning. When I arrived at the shop, I was informed that Giulia had gotten the shift covered by a friend in order to travel to London. I walked home, and called Giulia to confirm. Indeed, she had booked her flight the night before and was due at the airport shortly to get on a plane. By this pointm, my fast had gone for 48 hours. I thought I could meet her at the airport, it was after all a matter of life or death. But instead I acknowledged her holiday and wished her safe travels. I sat by a window, broke fast with one of the bottles of juice, and prepared a vase for the flowers. The church bells of the Westerkerk sang out as I finished the bottle of juice and the sun poured in through the open window with a wintery clarity. I thought to myself, surely this is a magical place. 

I finished the Siddhartha book and made a few drawings in my sketchbook in the early afternoon. Afterwards, I went to the gallery downstairs and helped Josine wrap paintings with packing materials. She will have to clear out all of her collection shortly, after being in business for 20 years. 

The evening was spent preparing belongings for the road. I shipped a couple boxes back to the states filled with books and small paintings. I will soon be on the road, lean.