Monday, May 18, 2015


Here's a dream as best as I can recall.

I was in a unique piece of architecture. Something like the galss pyramid structure of the Louvre, hybridized with a geodesic dome, plus Haystack schools design (60's eco friendly bayside school), plus the Arken museum- so most prominent was triangulation, glass, and proximity to the ocean. This was art school. It was clean and prestigious. It was also somewhat of a camp center, as there were campsites all around it. These sites acted like those of a state park where onem might go with family to have a weekend or so. It played a little like a koa campground at times too. Pine needles carpeted a fair amount of ground, intermixed with blue-gray fine sand. definitely a Floridian feel. We rode in cars around in the park. We went into the school structure. Well, not all of us. You could see the ocean from the inside of the school. In fact, it dominated the view. The floors were hardwood stained yellow pine. The sea was wild like a thousand untamed horses. It's color was every color, so long as the light read ominous. We found ourselves on a ship, lodged in the end of a jetty, at the fingers length to the end of the world, ready to be consumed, or saved by some thing. Our friends, our coinhabitants were experiencing the gamut and in our hearts we knew what came of any action we might take. Out in the waves we found peace with each other, or a place where our actions could be mystecized in stormy powerful undulation. Tangled on the seafloor like crabs, waves overhead, breathing when possible in the valleys between waves. This is the secret you had to tell me? What else was I to expect? I have been brainwashed into thinking that there is a component that is ouside of my control, which with whom I must make fellowship with to attain inner peace. This being, the Great I AM, enough to make a boy wild with longing and emptiness. This is the modality that perpetuates hunger. But if I AM, then I AM. NO longing necessary.