Tuesday, October 23, 2018

hugh mesibov

 This is in response to  The painting by Hugh Mesibov painted in 1945 and 46.  it’s oil pastel and black ink on card stock mounted on multiply paperboard it’s 14 x 11“ and I am concerned with the relating this to byzantine painting the title of the work is byzantine figure.  the size is that of a byzantine painting which might’ve been something that could be carried  The painting is non-static it’s my really rigid there’s a slight indication of perspective through positioning of the components of the pictures there’s a bilateral bilateral symmetry certainly emphasize in the picture I’m as can be seen down the middle of the figure in the foreground line dominates there’s no halo in this so it departs from byzantine depictions of  prominent figures and then that way however gold background stays in a way it’s not gilded it’s not real gold but you know we can justify are the yellow out the green I’m in the background certainly as stand-in for goldleaf the space does seem flattened there’s distortion occurring are the room space is fragmented and abstracted there’s a diss Distinctive waviness onto their composition so it kind of the parts from Byzantine art in that way too it’s kind of like a drunk visit byzantine depiction the head is not small there’s no concentration of detail save for the face.  Byzantine depiction there would be a concentration of detail and fabrics I’m in line with dominate this song this detail I would be a pattern there would Be decorative here it’s not .  This depiction does resemble on mosaic which is similar to byzantine routes abstraction dominates rather than perception or any sense of realism which is a characteristic that this and shares with Byzantine art it departs and that there are no straight lines that dominated the depiction of cloth.