Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Six Planets Are In Retrograde

Well Angie and Tim's trip went well I think. Time stood still with them, perhaps it's the season's end. Six planets are in retrograde now.

Angie and Tim walked on Saturday and brought their zines to bookshops. Wooden Shoe bought some copies outright, and Atomic Comics accepted some for their commission arrangement. I saw the transaction at the comic shop. Tim and Angie were humble. The clerk asked to see what they had. Seeing the quality, the tone of the clerk opened up and it was expressed like "yeah, we'll take these". I was very inspired by this reception. That night I made a dozen thumbnails in a comic book mindset.

I harvested from a thumbnail that I drew from a picture I took in Florida in the spirit of Ravillious. I transferred the drawing to mat board and did a watercolor painting, trying for some dry brush texturing too, and scraping back to white, exploring. Well, as anticipated, mine came out way more saturated than Eric's, and, some solutions were old hat (purple shadows), so, I'd like do it again. Reading of Ravillious' method hints that it's ungraspable. Ravillious considered his works drawings (even the paintings).

I love my new house situation.

Girlfriend broke up with me from neglect. Thank you.