Monday, January 27, 2014

Positivity is Peace

I believe that if you're going to move to anothere town, you should do it, but stay focused on your goals if your are goal oritented, and stay true to your morals if your are moral minded. I have been traveling for some time now and am beginning to feel a bit offset by the lack of rythym. I am repaeating the same pattern of stay for a week, move for a month, and so forth.

Such, I have decided to move to Jacksonville for the next three months, to set up a studio and to focus on more long term projects. 

I have felt my eyes glazing over slightly in New York, I feel that the environment is largely indulgent, and frantic. I chose to detach a bit for some days. 

In the states, I am beginning to understand how conditioned I am to consume. I want to buy a car and perhaps someday own a flat to rent out to make income. The system on which our economy operates is designed to work especially quickly, and to move on to new trends at the drop of a hat- wherever the money is. 

Anyway, I hope to make some work that is relevant to how I feel in the near future. I feel a blessing coming in Jacksonville, FL.