Thursday, January 24, 2019

One day into Spring Semester, Maybe 1-10-19 or so

Another video Idea: one in which I take a pill (melatonin) and go to sleep and then the shot is either in the morning or at night, a rotoscope (consider a dream sequence, like moby plays starlit sky) of a god figure, much larger in scale or maybe just a hand pressing down on me. Or like a big person dancing on my back. Something like that. 

The school has been okay over. He past couple days. I worked last night til midnight in bed. I got some good work done and some reading too. Winter break was hard to consider a break, as I had internet the whole time, and that’s where my time went. However, at home, I do not ahve internet, and it opens up the possibilities for me for the person I more want to be- that one who is well read, and has many ideas. I drew some ideas last night. One was straight from a book on Francis Bacon by Giles Deluze, when Jesus is a kind of kite up in the sky. Without seeing the painting he was referencing in his writing (or lookingit up) the image I got from the text was so fun. I put it down. Christ is on the cross, about fourth feet in the air over seaside grasses. A beach exists in the background, and waves and an ocean. Christ’s cross has been tethered to a steak (like one which has nailed him to the cross), driven into the ground, so within the composition, he is alone up there. Has the kite flyer gone to lunch? Do actors have sex for real in movies? I can’t think of a specific scene, but I imagine the answer is sometimes. A quote from a Modest Mouse song goes ‘wake up early and you’ll live to regret it’. Often when I wake early, and know I have the choice to seize the day I choose to defer. This morning I clocked in waking up at 10:30, not bad. I’m concerned abut school. This last semester is going to be the hardest I have faced I think. Last night I stretched my knees for ten minutes before bed, and they feel way better. My physical health weighs into it, I’m in pain on these concrete floors. I’m also running low on money. I’m going to switch to my credit card, much to my dislike, as I have the money. I think I’ll order a debit card from the same company that I have the credit card with, so I don’t get interest payments or late fees. I’ve been masturbating to level me out. I’ll probably get off it soon enough to get some edge back. Our school is full of girls. They’re usually 80% of the class makeup. I like school. I’m already ready for this semester to be over. It seems frivolous in a way. I’m getting senioritis maybe. Digital moving images class is going to be hard. First class was on Thursday and it was clear there was going to be a lot of reading, and learning a handful of unfamiliar programs, and a lot of tutorial work. This is one of those classes that could swallow the other courses, or swallow my studio practice. I can’t wait to be done with this snake piece. It’s looking kind of good. I do have to fix the drawing of the snake up. Other than that, I don’t know. I might have to fuck around with a photo of it in Procreate. I have a joint I haven’t smoked. I meant to smoke it towards the end of last semester, but didn’t find the time to. Maybe tonight; I could use a soft reset. This first week I have classes every morning except Monday morning (which I intend to spend painting on the snake, after sleeping in the studio with it), three meetings with critics, hang a show, and two other meetings. Monday I will work on the snake from early morning to lunchtime, then go to an Annual Student Exhibition meeting over lunch, then go to Moving Images Motion class, then work on a moving images project, maybe taking a walk and getting more footage, maybe (probably) sticking around and futzing around on a library computer to learn the software, checking out a library laptop in the library. I’ve got a crit with Sarah at 4:30 that day too. Tuesday I’ll have a morning class in the cast hall, lunchtime hang a show, afternoon meeting-type class, evening sculpture session. Wednesday morning class on 4th floor likely, crit with Jan Baltzell, lunchtime meeting about Draw A Thon, afternoon class. Thursday morning class, crit with Clint, afternoon class, portrait club. Friday morning class, afternoon sculpture session, go home. This semester is going to hurt me. At the end of it, it’s my senior show. Okay, that brings us back to the snake painting. This Saturday (today) I hope to put in some hours, in the day time. Maybe I’ll go home afterwards, I don’t know. I’ve got to be smart, I mean, really at this point I just have to keep painting, fixing things. It’s on its way. I kind of do know what to do on it. It has to do with rendering out the bottom third, then sweeping again upward. The concentration detail wise should be at the bottom, so the painting holds its own when walked up to and gives and gives with how it’s painted. Maybe I could switch to oil for the stone pavers, thinking because the little flecked rocks would be more of a pain to do in acrylic. Acrylic is much more exacting, and oil is like a cheater’s medium- smudge and it looks intentional or good. I should also sand some ares of the painting, thinking of around the snake and a little in the background, to open up the surface again. It’s that time in the painting for some drawing attention and whole surface TLC (tender love & care). Today’s work will be of the workshop, and hopefully a genius shows up tomorrow.