Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

I drove down to my grandmother Camille's house in Titusville for Easter. On the way down, I stopped at a nursery and purchased a charming little honeybell orange tree. I loaded the tree into my car, and arrived in Titusville to meet my parents and grandmother in time for dinner. We ate Vietnamese food. 
In the morning, our family went to a church service. After the service, I asked the pastor if I could plant my little tree at the church. Reverend Pat agreed that it would be a great idea, introduced me to Tony, the landscape guy, and together we found a suitable spot. I dug a hole and planted the little tree, a woman came behind me and began to cry as I put the tree in place. She told me that she was a caregiver to an elderly gentleman who died due in her belief to the apathy of the local medical community. She told me that she felt his presence here, that this tree was for him. I hadn't given the tree a purpose, it just seemed like the right thing to do, but this dear woman knew why I was planting it. What a blessing!
After church, our family went to a local food distribution organization, where we donated bread, deviled eggs, ham, and desserts. We sat and ate with the aforementioned woman and her gentleman friend who serendipitously went to the same spot after church. 
Our family parted ways in the afternoon. I set out for Miami to visit a friend, but on the way down began to feel increasingly individualized to the point that I thought it best to sleep under the stars that night. I found a museum with japenese gardens via a road sign, and took my backpack and sleeping bag through the 'Park Closed' gates. Surely they didn't mean those signs for me. Twenty yards in I realized that the groundskeeper's house was on site, and I faintly made out the shillouette of a cop car in the distant streetlight. I didn't want to take my chances, so I walked back down the entrance road and found a service road, which opened up into walking trails. I found a great spot and set up a little camp, whereupon I was met in a few hours time by a swarm of hungry mosquitos. I bundled up and waited to become tired, all the while being eaten alive on the small points of my skin that were not covered by my sleepiong bag. I couldn't get to sleep so I packed up camp and set back to my car. Walking towards my car, I began to have what I would like to call an episode, in which I decided the next appropriate course of action would be to go to Argentina. I arrived at my car where I parked a few blocks down the road, then set out to the nearest airport. I pulled in to a parking garage in the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport where I began to pack up for an Argentina trip. After cleaning out my car and going through my things, I saw that I didn't need to go to Argentina, rather just to take some time to rreview where I'm at, what my goals are, and what my appropriate next steps are. 
I will sleep in my car tonight, in the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport 'Hibiscus' Parking Garage, section 4K.