Sunday, December 15, 2013


The murals are going well I have a circus scene in the works at the warehouse on 36th street rocking above three graffiti writers whom I really respect. I hope to do the peices justice. While painting the warehouse, I talked with the local homeless gentleman. His name was William. He has set his mind to teaching me his craft; the art of palm (frond) weaving. I have sat down with him once and have learned a lot already. 

This afternoon Johnny came by the warehouse wall and offered another wall which he'd already begun in Wynwood. I agreed to join him, some change in scenery couldn't hurt. 

Johnny had already started the wall the day prior. It looked like an acid trip. We talked about it a bit then went to work, interpreting forms and shapes as they came. We worked well into the night. The Second Saturday Art Walk event was happening, so there was a constant stream of spectators and friends. I met a dear old friend from Tallahassee tonight which was such a blessing. 

My friend and hotel-mate, Optimum, has secured a few fine art portrait gigs and such has decided to stay in town for another week. I agreed with his logic in staying. I believe I could stay here also. I'll give it a try.