Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Third day in England, second in London

Still in London, I’ve wasted the day on drawing, and worrying about my outdoor setup. 

The few ventures out were to get breakfast and to go to the National Gallery, which turned into a mission to go to an army surplus to get a sleeping pad. A successful day. Drinking beer began in the afternoon. Worrying about my ipad and second coat took up much of my time, and the rest went toward reading and drawing. 

Another night in the hostel and a train out to Leatherhead are due, but only after meeting a friend in her tattoo shop in the late morning. From Leatherhead I plan to pick up some food and walk into the woods to camp. The google terrain feature has shown some bluffs nearby, which I will try to make a campsite out of. Knowing that it’s illegal to camp, I’m aiming for something between ideal and out of sight. It should be fine. Learning about camping will be an adventure, and I will hope to quell the inevitable regrets of taking along the ipad that will invariably arise, in exchange for the knowledge of it’s periodic indispensability.