Monday, July 16, 2018

Sorry to Bother You , and more

Just watched a film called ‘Sorry to Bother You’ in which I couldn’t relate to any character in particular. (Maybe I’m doing it then- becoming a true romantic poet!). It was a great film and I hope it makes it’s way into the cannon of flashbulb impactful films, like ‘They Live’ kinda. Although I didn’t relate to any character in particular it did portray the circus-like feeling of these particular times.

I’ve been moderately responsible about my studies this summer. I’m going through anatomy studies, and taking Ecorche courses (one on the human, and another on the fox anatomy).. Those pieces I made at the beginning of the summer are long since past it feels like. I’m effectively no longer working the school painting job. I went down to Florida for a week and got paid real money to dig holes, such that it feels stupid to go back to 9/hr, I’m good.

I’m moving into a house in West Philly and I feel like I’m going into a family kind of living situation. I’ll live with an established couple and I’m happy about that. It’ll be my first time living with a couple. Also there’s a cat! I’m really happy about the little old cat. The house is dark, which made me want to cry when I relayed the info to my kinda-girlfriend, but I think it will trickle into my artwork in a nice way. I’ve already dreamt about the location, which is a romantic trolley’s ride into center city where my school is located. It has no internet, and thus I look forward to breaking some bad habits of late night browsing before bed etc. I am happy for the move, but will still mostly live in my current apartment tentatively, as it has air conditioning and is closer to my school, and the majority of my things are here, especially my bed. Oh yeah, I started sleeping in my bed now. Feeling like I might begin to sleep on the floor again in time, when it’s time to wake alert, but for now I’m soaking in a kinda summer mode.

I read a book about Hannah Arendt by Derwant May, which was a primer to her life and work. I hope I come across a Arendt book in the wild now, for that sweet sense of serendipity. I finished a second listen of Ulysses, and I’m on a third. I read Bullies by Ben Shapiro, which was a pulp guilty pleasure.

I’m reading Dr. Albert C. Barnes’ book on art now, as I’ve signed up for a class at the Barnes Museum (through a PAFA- Barnes partnership in which Art History credits can be fulfilled) taught by Dr. William Perthes, who’s a standup gentlemen. To my great joy the book is not a ‘snooze fest’ as promised by one of the employees at the Museum gift shop, and is sprinkled with sick burns on a bunch of artists. Barnes rips at Derain, and basically says those Gauguin aficionados are sentimentalists. Feels good to hear it, that’s a good Gauguin rip.

I’ve been moderately irresponsible with my bed time for the past few days. I’m going to close this one up now, and prepare for tomorrow’s eleven hours of sculpture! Huzzah summertime!