Friday, August 24, 2018

The Myth and Ariadne

Well, I’ve got a little ball rolling in regards to this blog. Seems poised for a fall off, but I’m enjoying it very much until then. Yesterday was fun. I took an early stop on the trolley and walked from 22nd and market to fairmount hardware, where I bought a water filter, a nitelight, food storage containers, an ice tray, a big pot to initiate three of my plants upgrades and a hundred pack of single edge razor blades. Later that day, I sold my bike to a PhD candidate, via Craigslist, and got 120 bucks out of it.

This morning I awoke to a phone call from someone else who was interested in the bike, and wanted to ask a few questions about the frame. This was at 7:15. I politely interrupted and said the bike is already sold- it went fast. And he went, ‘sh, awww, thanks!’. Tbh it was a good alarm. Who calls at 7:15?

My new home address is as follows 4604 Baltimore Avenue. Philadelphia 19143,  and you are welcome to write to me or send small things.

This morning after the phone call, I meditated and transferred three of my plants to larger containers. Here’s hoping the transplants go successfully.

I’m considering buying a printer, the drawback being ownership. Should I start a tally of how many times I go wanting one? What’s the answer to something like this? When I’m in school either I don’t print, (go without) or. I don’t know. What if my process (I’m thinking I could incorporate printing and copying) ends up hung nothing to do with printing and copying? I’ll continue to go without.

Finished reading Persepolis last night and was very pleased with it. The author alludes to Montesquieu’s the slavery of the Africans, and The Secrets of the CIA, and the Freemasons of Iran, and the Memoirs of Mossadegh, and now my reading list is a bit longer.

At the library today, I am checking out a book I’ve had on a list for a while: The Myth and Ariadne by Michael Taylor on De Chirico. I never knew if I was ready, we’ll see if it sticks.